


Look familiar? It's the same bow my daughter wore with her "Goldilocks" dress, it's just bigger (about 4.5") I made a smaller one for her AFTER I made this one first. French clip.


Kristen said...

I want it!

Brynn said...

Very cute!

Lindsay said...

Love it!

Emilyjo said...

Count me in!

Unknown said...

*fingers crossed* :D

Emilyjo said...

I really want to win! :)

Taryn said...

Thanks for sharing! They are all so stinken cute!

Emilyjo said...

You know what's cuter than your bows? You!

Iolanthe's Mom said...

How pretty and sunshiney! Perfect for brightening up winter days.

Lindsay said...

Really love it!

Kristen said...

Still want it!

Pam's Pride said...


april said...

love this one!

Emilyjo said...

Me again! I must win!!!

Emilyjo said...

bows, bows, I love Alisha's bows!

Ben and Sara said...

I love this bow!

Emilyjo said...

win, win, I like to win!

Emilyjo said...

I really want to help you clean out your house by winning all your bows! I think you should rig the drawing and pick my name for all of them!!!! he he he he

Emilyjo said...

What time is it? Time to win some cute new bows!

Brynn said...

So cute!

Ben and Sara said...

I better start commenting more, if I'm going to catch up to Emily-holy cow!

Emilyjo said...

Good Night lovely bow, I can't wait till you are mine!

Crandell Fam said...

FUN! :) Love the yellow.

Linz said...

perfectly adorable!

Emilyjo said...


Liz said...

so cute!

The Prettymans said...

you have all these just sitting around!?

Emilyjo said...

Oh my goodness, I haven't commented today yet! Good thing I remembered before the day was over!

Anonymous said...

I'll take it!!! Very simple and cute.

Emilyjo said...

I bet if I stayed up all night and commented every hour I would so win! But I think I will sleep instead and just cross my fingers that I'm the winner anyway!

The Prettymans said...

one more time for me!

Chrisi and Silas said...

It's so pretty! It makes me think of spring!

Emilyjo said...

Today's the day, I better get my A game on!

Emilyjo said...


Anonymous said...

Still want it!

Chrisi and Silas said...

I think emilyjo really wants to win!

Chrisi and Silas said...

go emilyjo, go. wait, why am I rooting for someone else to win?!?!

Emilyjo said...

Thanks for the encouragement Chrisi and Silas. I've got to have my girl Alisha's bows! :)

made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


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