The night before the big day I only got 3 hours of sleep and after a (long) full day of standing in my booth, I was in bed at 9 and didn't get out until 9 this morning!
Here are some pictures of my booth. I decided Wednesday morning to make some receiving blankets (11!!) and then Thursday afternoon I was making some more tutu's!
As soon as we got to the school to set up I was VERY surprised by how small an 8x10 booth is! :)
After all the totes, boxes, table, hutch, bench, clothes and quilt rack and all 4 pegboard panels were hauled in I was starting to get worried that I had too much! :)
It all turned out, and I owe a HUGE thanks to my dear friend Lindsay for helping us haul all the goodies inside and help me set up. I couldn't have done it without her!
My sister and Lindsay helped me out in the booth the day of and I have to say thanks to them again!
The one person that really really needs a big shout out is the hubby. He put up with me through all this. He built my peg walls, then had to take them apart, shorten them and put them back together! AND THEN he was there for the hauling in and taking down of all my stuff. Thanks Troy! Love ya!
Overall, I had a great experience and learned alot. Most likely I will do it again, but maybe I will KNOW for sure in a couple weeks after I get some much needed down time. :)
The booth

My trusty hutch. This hutch use to be at my parents while I was growing up. Shortly after Troy and I moved into our house, it was given to me. It has sat in our garage until this week. It worked out great for the booth. :) Thanks Mom! Notice the skirt on the mannequin??? That was my best custom order request. The one on display was Taylor's so it wasn't for sale. If it was it would have sold fast.....

All of my many skirts, dresses and blessing dresses.

The wall with all the hair bows. There would have been more on the wall, but we ran out of pegs so the table had a lot of baskets holding bows. The table also held all the cute little ties for the boys. The diaper envelopes were a big seller too.

Ahhhh, the receiving blankets I decided to make last minute. Along with my purses. I love that bench. We have A LOT of pictures with that as a photo prop and holding my stuff.

Burp rags in the basket. And the top seller of the day, the crayon wallets. Those went so fast!
Note to self: do A LOT MORE next time :)

The front shot of the quilts. The second one down was touched by so many people it was crazy!
I was a little surprised it took until the end of the day to finally sell.

How do I get that AJ button on my blog??
you HAVE been busy, way to go!
Suh-Weet. I figured it out! Thanks for your help.:0)
Let me know when you list your stuff on Etsy, I want to get some thing!!! - Jana
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