
Holiday Christmas Dresses

Back in the day when my only child was my little girl, I had a really really REALLY bad habit of buying her too many clothes (it's still bad now, but not AS bad! Plus it's not buying clothes it is making them!)

Anyway, I didn't really dive into sewing clothes until later in her life so imagine my surprise when I cleaned out her closet the other day and found THREE holiday dresses in there all size 24 Months/2T and ALL brand new with the tags still on two of them! Now she only gets ONE because I have to make it & put my time into it....plus I have to put in a zipper and I hate zippers......

Obviously she wore a little dress that year for Christmas, but it wasn't any of these three!

Since storage space at my house is quickly becoming consumed with both boy & girl clothes, I am selling these dresses on e-bay.

Just thought I would let you know if any of you want a good deal on a brand new dress and in the market for a size 24 months/2T holiday dress! :)

Click on the dress name to take you to the e-bay auction page!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow they are so beautiful dress, i look also same dresses from here

Christmas Holiday Dresses

made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


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