
Ballet Stacker



Brynn said...

This may be my new favorite!

Emilyjo said...

Gotta love ballet!

Emilyjo said...

I really want to win! :)

Taryn said...

I love all those textures

Brynn said...

Lovin this one too!

Pam's Pride said...


april said...

love this one!

Emilyjo said...

bows, bows, I love Alisha's bows!

Emilyjo said...

Win, Win, I like to win!

Emilyjo said...

Are you going to come see me after the baby is born and teach me how to make cute things for her?

Emilyjo said...

This bow makes me want to dance like a ballerina. Maybe if I win it I will wear it instead of Maddie.

Brynn said...

Love this!

Berrybritt said...

Want this one! Very cute!

Emilyjo said...

Do you still like me even though half of the comments on here are from me?

Emilyjo said...


The Prettymans said...

love pink!

The Prettymans said...

still love pink!

Emilyjo said...

Have I mentioned that I really like your bows?

The Prettymans said...

I hope I win!

The Prettymans said...

so cute!

Anonymous said...

Such talent. That's so cute! I want it!!!

The Prettymans said...

I really like this one!

Emilyjo said...

You better get a big box ready to send all these bows to the same place-my house!!!

The Prettymans said...

one more time for me!

Emilyjo said...

So Cute!

Chrisi and Silas said...

so stinkin cute!

Emilyjo said...

Did I mention I really like you!?

Anonymous said...

Still want this one too!

Chrisi and Silas said...

emilyjo, you make contests FUN! but i want to win a bow too darn it!

Chrisi and Silas said...

go emilyjo, go. wait, why am I rooting for someone else to win?!?!

Emilyjo said...

This feels so final.

made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


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