
Shocking Pink/Black Stacker


Shocking pink/Black Stacker.


Kristen said...

I want this one too.

Morris Mama said...

Pick Me! Pick Me!

Brynn said...

I LOVE this! Super cute!

Lindsay said...

Would love this one too!

Emilyjo said...

you know I love everything you do!

Ashley and Matt Marx said...


Emilyjo said...

I really want to win! :)

Taryn said...

How pretty. You are really talented!

Brynn said...

I LOVE this one!!!

Iolanthe's Mom said...

I absolutely adore the pink and black combo.

Kristen said...

Still want it!

Pam's Pride said...

Awesome bow!

april said...

so cute!

The Leggs said...

I love this!

Emilyjo said...

bows, bows, I love Alisha's bows!

Ben and Sara said...

Abby would love this bow, I hope I win

Emilyjo said...

Win, Win, I like to win!

Emilyjo said...

are you sick of my comments yet, I hope not because there are more to come!

Emilyjo said...

You can never have to many bows, unless of course you're a boy. Then there's just a problem.

Brynn said...

Love this one!

Berrybritt said...

Cute! Cute!

Ben and Sara said...

I hope I win!

Emilyjo said...

Remember when we worked at Walmart together? That was funny! You know what would be cooler than working at Walmart, winning your bows!

Crandell Fam said...

You're very talented. I love your bows!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a girl... but maybe someday!

Emilyjo said...


Liz said...

i love this one!

Jana said...

You make great bows!

The Prettymans said...

i love shocking pink!

Anna said...

Super cute - pick me!

Emilyjo said...

Okay so I haven't had that much to do lately, so I just try to win your bows all day oh and eat!

The Prettymans said...

I hope I win!

pearlywhites said...

olivia says she must have this bow to add to her bow collection!!!

The Prettymans said...

so cute!

Jana said...

I love this one

Jana said...
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Jana said...
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Anonymous said...

Super cute!

Emilyjo said...

I can't wait to hear that I won this bow tomorrow!!!
I think Jana forgot to read the directions about being an hour apart :)

Emilyjo said...

This one is popular, but I'm still going to win it!

The Prettymans said...

one more time for me!

Jen said...

these are So cute! I wish I could be so creative like you.

Chrisi and Silas said...

My FAVORITE color combination of all! What girls doesn't love Hot pink and black?!?!

Emilyjo said...

Today is my lucky day, I can feel it!

Anonymous said...

Still want this one too!

Chrisi and Silas said...

I think emilyjo really wants to win!

Chrisi and Silas said...

go emilyjo, go. wait, why am I rooting for someone else to win?!?!

Emilyjo said...

Well, my time for commenting is up-I hope it was enough! :)

made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


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