Or I guess looked a little 'off'.
I usually have a cute little 'every day' wall hanging, hanging from my shelf.
That was what was missing. It needed something that says, Halloween.
SO I made myself one. And made notes and took pictures as I went along for all of you to made one too! ;)
::What you need::
*4 Fat Quarters {All my fabric from THIS line of fabric, minus my backing}
- 2 for outside border (or 1/4 yd)
- 1 for inside border
- 1 for binding (or 1/4 yd)
* 1/4 yd. muslin (Or a 5 1/2" x 12 1/2" piece)
* 3/4 yd. for backing & small inside border
* TINY black rick rack (1/4")
* 4 Buttons-Multi size. 2 holes
* 26" x 18" piece of batting
* Quilt Basting spray (optional) I get mine from Wal-Mart
* Safety pins
* 8 small clear beads (optional)
* Black embroidery thread
* Needle
* Fabric Pen

**Note: I just cut all of my fabrice WOF (width of fabric) and once it is sewn on I cut off the excess to square it up.From muslin: Cut 1 12 1/2" tall x 5 1/2" wide
Small Inside border (black): Cut 2 1 1/2" wide x WOF
2nd Border (stripes): Cut 4 3" wide x WOF
Outside Border: Cut 5 4" wide x WOF
*If using a 1/4 yd. you wouldn't need to cut 5: 3 should be plenty.
Back hanging loops: Cut 2 3" wide x 8" long
::Putting It Together::
Center Piece:: Take your muslin piece & your small rick rack. Lay out 4 different lengths of the rick rack running down the piece. Keep at least 1" from the fabric edge. *I like to use a lighter and slightly burn the ends of the rick rack so that it doesn't fray*
Pin your rick rack in place. I also placed the four buttons I was going to use on there just so I could get a sense of where the end of the 'spider' was ending up. Once you are happy with placement, sew them in place.

Small Inside Border:: Using a 1/4" seam allowance attach your small inside borders (black). Attach both side borders first, trim excess fabric. Press your seams. Then attach the top/bottom borders. Trim excess & press.

2nd Inside Border:: Still the same 1/4" seam allowance. Repeat the steps just like attaching the first border. Long sides first, then the top/bottom borders.
Outside Border:: This border I had to actually piece the two side pieces because they were slightly too short. That is why I had you cut 5 pieces instead of four. Attach, trim, press. :)
Yay! The main piece is done!

Make the spider legs:: I placed my buttons on my 'web ends' then took my fabric pen and marked out my spider legs.

I wanted my spider legs to be big & thick so I kept all my strands of embroidery thread together. You don't have to have a hoop, but since I had one I stuck my hoop on.

Stitched my legs using my needle & thread * Tip: After my first spider, I figured out to make my stitch a little longer than my pen marking so that when the button is on the ends are completely covered by the button. Then attach your buttons.

Click photo to enlarge, if desired

Make a 'quilt sandwich':: Lay your backing down, wrong side facing up. Spray your basting spray on it, then lay down your batting piece. Smooth out any bumps.
Spray the top of your batting and add your main wall hanging piece. Smooth. Pin in a few places to keep fabric from shifting.
*You don't have to run out & buy the basting spray, I just love it because it holds my fabrics together so well. If you don't have the spray, pin in a few extra spots to keep your fabric in place.

If yours is bigger like mine, trim off the excess.

Quilt:: I did a 'stitch in the ditch'. If you feel ambitious attach your quilting foot and do some fun quilting. I went around all the borders. Once finished I trimmed off all the excess batting/backing and squared it up.

Make the Hanging loops:: Fold the fabric lengthwise right sides together. Use a 1/4" seam and stitch. I pressed my seam open. Then turned it right side out and pressed again.
Fold in half, forming your loop and place on the back side of your wall hanging, raw edges together. Measure in 2 1/2" and pin in place. Repeat with 2nd loop. Stitch in place using a 1/4" seam.

Binding:: I learned how to bind my quilts from HERE. It's a great tutorial. When you are attaching your binding keep your loops in the same downward position as they were when you attached them to the wall hanging. Please also note, I am one of those 'lazy' binding people. I attach my binding to the back, then flip it to the front and use my machine to sew it done. I don't have enough patience to sit still long enough & do hand binding! ;)
You are done! I like to wash my quilts to get a little 'antique' look. Plus it washes out my blue marks from marking my spider legs. If you used a fabric pen that disappears and don't want to wash it, you are fine...it disappears! ;)
If it is a pen that washes out, simple spritz it with some water. :)
Hang it and enjoy it!

very cute spiders. I love them.
I love this!!! Sooooo cute!
- Michelle @ Bunch of Craft
this is really cute. I have some fabric from that same line I'm trying to figure out what to do with!
So cute and fun! I love the button spiders and the ric-rack web! Thanks for showing us how to make one. I'm adding this to my list of things I'd like to make. :)
That is just absolutely adorable!!!
What a fun Halloween project! I'd love to link to it from my site:
Let me know if that would be okay with you.
I'm so glad this is still up, because it's still adorable and I have the stuff to make it! Thank you so much for posting it. I like your easy, casual instructional manner. =)
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